Tribal Ancestors and Modern Loved Ones
SEDONA, OCTOBER 17 – 22, 2022

Transforming Your Life
Guidance, ceremonies, rituals, and spirits in vortex energies unique on this planet.
We’d love for you to join us for 5 days that will change your life. Our 2022 Sedona,
AZ Spiritual Wisdom Journey, October 17 – 22, will be very personal and profound.
Between the energies in the vortex sites, your ancient guardian spirit ancestors and
passed loved ones, you will receive answers, guidance, and insights to move into a
higher level spiritually. In doing so, your life can be directed in more dynamic,
positive ways.
Contact Us
Spiritual Wisdom Journeys
903 Monet Circle
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
[email protected]
(510) 719-1463
Our Specialties on Your Journey
Shamanic Practitioners
Toltec, Huna, and Celtic practices bring effective healing and transformation to your soul.
Intuitive Information
Understanding your Past, Present, and Future can bring crystal clarity to your life.
Getting in Touch With Spirit Guides and Loved Ones in Heaven can be carthartic and life changing.